Edit or delete tags

To edit tags, follow these steps

Step 1: Select Contacts -> Tags on the menu bar will display all the cards you have created manually.

Step 2: Hover over the card you want to edit and click "Edit".

Step 3: Edit the name of the card and click "Update".

Step 4: The message "Tag updated" will let you know that you have successfully renamed the card, and check the new card name.

To delete a tag, follow these steps

Step 1: Select Contacts -> Cards on the menu bar will display all the cards you have created manually.

Step 2: Hover the mouse on the card you want to delete or check the tags you want to delete and press the "Delete" button.

Step 3: Read and confirm the deletion.

Step 4: The notification "one or many cards have been deleted" will let you know that you have successfully deleted the tag.

Last updated