Set up event tracking in Workevo

How to set up events to track user behavior

There are three ways to send events to Workevo:

  1. JavaScript API Workevo

  2. Directly through the REST API

  3. Through our mobile SDK

Here's how to set up each method:

1. The JavaScript Workevo API

You can send an event using Workevo (‘trackEvent'). This will link the event to visitors, leads, or users currently following and send it to Workevo. The final parameter is an optional metadata object that can be used to send more details about the event.

Workevo('trackEvent', 'purchased-item');

Facts with metadata:

var metadata = {
  item: 'NES',
  price: {"amount": 2900, "currency": "usd"},
  catalog_img: "",
  order_number: {URL: "", value: "TX186373"},
  stripe_customer: "0ry6mmrFxKxtGG"  
Workevo('trackEvent', 'purchased-item', metadata);

2. Directly through the REST API

You can track events live through the REST API, using the language of your choice or one of our supported SDKs:

  • PHP

  • Node

  • Ruby

  • Go

  • Java

  • .NET

When tracking an event using the REST API, you can also specify the generated time of the Created Time to specify when an event takes place. The time created is a Unix timestamp, which measures the number of seconds elapsed since Thursday, January 1, 1970, UTC. We do not support sending time zones with timestamps. Timestamps sent with higher resolutions (for example, milliseconds) will be rounded to seconds.

See our API Documentation for more details.

Things to remember:

  • Key names are not case-sensitive and may contain dots ('.'), Dollar signs ('$'), characters like ~ `! @ #% ^ & * '{} | \ '" or NULL.

  • The text string value can only contain up to 255 characters.

  • In the event summary in Workevo, any dashes in the primary name will be deleted. The key is still important to keep track of data, while 'you are invited' and the friend you are invited to 'will be displayed as you were invited in the user interface, two fields representing different data.

Add a description for the event

You can add a description for any event you create in Workevo. This will help both you and your teammates remember the meaning of the event and you will quickly understand how to use it.

View events in Workevo

The event is visible in two places in Workevo:

  1. Events are aggregated and a summary is displayed in the sidebar of the user profile.

  2. Each individual event appears in the activity timeline on user profiles along with other activities such as segments and conversations.

Note: When someone first contacts you and is added as a lead in Workevo, you can see any events they've watched in the last 90 days before contacting.

How do I delete an event?

Follow these steps to store an event.

Step 1: Open your settings menu in the lower-left corner of the screen by clicking on your avatar.

Step 2: Select 'Events' from the left menu.

Step 3: Click the event you want to archive and click the 'Archive' button.

You can always unarchive an event later if you change your mind, but the archived events will not be recreated if you follow them again.

As we mentioned, you can send metadata with any event we will store, and you will see it in Workevo. Please note that it is currently not possible to filter your guests based on event metadata or include it in messages. Each event can be submitted with up to five schools, and we support the following data types:

  • Metadata: Description.

  • String: A simple string.

  • Number: Positive or negative numbers.

  • Date: The timestamp we will display as a readable date.

  • Link: An http or https url, we will create a connection.

  • Rich link: An http or https link, also sent with a header, we will create a connection

  • Image: An http or https link to an image we will display.

  • Stripe (retail): Invoice, customer identifier, or fee, which we will create a connection.

  • Monetary (retail): An amount with a single currency.

Best practices for capturing events

Events are best to filter and segment your users and send targeted messages to your customers.

With that in mind, we have some suggestions on how to make the most out of Events:

  1. Submit events that capture meaningful action. Purchasing is an excellent base for a conversation instead of recording all the clicks that lead to that purchase. Significant events will also make creating filters and automated messages much more comfortable.

  2. Send events as if they were social interactions between your users and your business. Each of your Users in Workevo has its activity timeline displayed from the profile page.

  3. Submit the right amount of metadata. Metadata is an excellent way for contextual activity, but sending too much can be distracting. Remember, you can always link back to your systems for more details.

  4. Use events to understand users interacting with users, such as invitations and social activities. You can use metadata to provide a rich view of how users interact with your business and each other.

  5. Name your events in a way that makes them easy to read in Workevo. Using a past tense verb at the beginning of the event name makes the action easier to understand when it appears in the user's activity timeline, for example: "Purchased an item", "Create profile" or "Viewed product tour".

Troubleshooting events

There are a few things to keep in mind if you have trouble keeping track of events in Workevo:

1. Do I send duplicate events?

Each event is determined using the following data:

  • Name of the event

  • Timestamp created

  • User activated event

  • User workspace belongs to

Any two events with the same value for those fields will be considered the same event. Therefore, we do not store subsequent copies of events after receiving the first copy. Note that we currently maintain duplicate information for 48 hours from when we see the first event, but this may change.

2. Have I downloaded the Workevo JavaScript library?

To track events with the JavaScript API, you will have to ensure that the Workevo JavaScript code has been loaded successfully on the page. To install Workevo, copy the first code snippet in your web settings, where we pre-populate your workspace ID (this is called the App_ID in the code) for you. Then paste the code right before the closing tag of any page you want to track events.

3. Have I watched the event in the right place?

To target users' automated messages based on an event, the event needs to be tracked by the user who logged into your product. The same applies when targeting automated visitor messages - only events that have been tracked by logged-off visitors appear as available object filters.

Last updated

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